• 05 Dec 2013 1:57 PM | Anonymous

    December is always a busy and exciting time for the DHC, but this year is even more exciting because of an opportunity we have to purchase two additional properties in the Dream Trail corridor

    The Dishman Hills are a unique treasure in your back yard, but without your immediate investment, it will soon be gone. And we all know that once it’s gone, it’s never coming back. We need your support now before it is too late.                                                

    Together we have made amazing progress towards securing a single, unbroken conservation corridor, adding an additional 269 acres near the Glenrose neighborhood and opening the new Stevens Creek parking lot and trailhead with access to Big Rock in the last year alone.                                           

    Your tax-deductible contribution of $50, $100 or $500 will help us reach our year-end goal of $50,000 to ensure trails, hill-top meadows and trees instead of fences, driveways and houses. So please donate today to help make the Dream Trail a reality.                                           

    With your help raising the funds necessary to purchase these two properties, we can all look forward to more land in the Dishman Hills set aside for conservation and recreation in 2014.   

    Preserving the open spaces of the Dishman Hills would not be possible without the work of people like you. So thank you for your support.     

  • 29 Sep 2013 4:40 PM | Anonymous


    Example of new trails signs beings installed across the property.




  • 29 Sep 2013 1:14 PM | Anonymous

    The Department of Natural Resources has started installing the new trial map signs within the Dishman Hills Natural Resources Conservation Area. Most are installed, but more signs are scheduled for install to include update of the maps at the main trail kioks. To stay up to date on the progress and see photos of the progress, please check out our Facebook page at via the below link.


  • 12 Sep 2013 4:03 PM | Anonymous

    We would like to take a moment to give a special thanks to Paul Fish, the owner of Mountain Gear. Paul has been a supporter of the DHC for some time, and recently made another significant contribution to our organization. Paul generously offered to provide office space and access to office equipment free of charge for the DHC’s new Executive Director at the company’s corporate offices in the valley! This donation will save the DHC hundreds of dollars each month, allowing us to devote even more of our resources to future land acquisition and stewardship. So thank you Paul, your continued support of the DHC and its mission is greatly appreciated.

  • 12 Sep 2013 4:00 PM | Anonymous
    The location of the Public Lands Day event scheduled for September 28th has changed. Instead of meeting at Big Rock, we will now be meeting at the 12th street entrance to the Natural Area (12th just off of Dishman Rd.). There is limited space at the trailhead, so please carpool, bike or walk if possible. The time is still from 9am - noon, and we will still be doing trail work. Please see the Events page for full details. We look forward to seeing you there! 
  • 20 Jul 2013 2:47 PM | Anonymous

    Thank you to the volunteers that came out on a HOT summer day to help the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) install new trail signs within the Dishman Hills Natural Resources Conservation Area (DHNRCA). We were not able to install all of them, but were able to complete 23 trail confidence markers and 4 main intersection signs with temporary posts. With fire season upon us, the DNR will not be able to return to the DHNRCA until the fall to install the remaining signs. At that time, they will have a work crew to replace the temporary wooden posts for powder coated steel posts, add concrete to secure the post holes, install the remaining intersection signs and trail confidence markers. For those that go out to see them, main trail confidence markers that have a single trail listed should be clear. Shared loop trails will have two trails identified, the top trail is the main trail you are on and the lower is a guide of a main loop trail you are approaching


  • 12 Jul 2013 1:13 PM | Anonymous



    July 9, 2013


    The Dishman Hills Conservancy Hires Executive Director


    Dishman Hills Conservancy received 3-year grant to hire first E.D.

    in organization’s 47-year history of land conservation.


    Spokane, Washington – The Dishman Hills Conservancy ( recently announced their selection of Eric Robison as the organization’s first Executive Director. As the E.D., Mr. Robison will be working with a variety of stakeholders to build support for conservation efforts in the Dishman Hills area.


    “I am excited to have this opportunity to work with the DHC”, said Mr. Robison. “What other city has a six-mile long habitat and recreation corridor in the middle of an urban area? It really is a unique and valuable resource for the community. I’m looking forward to helping people realize that it’s worth protecting.”


    As the first employee in the DHC’s 47-year history, Mr. Robison represents a significant step forward for the organization and its efforts. The DHC recently received a 3-year grant from the New Priorities Foundation for capacity building. “Eric is the perfect match for building the relationships with the community and our partners necessary to complete the Dream Trail and Connecting People to Nature project.” said Jeff Lambert, the DHC’s Board President.


    The DHC’s Board of Directors selected Mr. Robison from among more than a dozen candidates. Mr. Robison recently received a Masters degree in Sustainable Development from School for International Training, and brings with him more than a decade of experience working with community non-profit organizations. Mr. Robison graduated from Lewis & Clark High School in Spokane and Western Washington University.


    About the Dishman Hills Conservancy

    The DHC’s mission is to conserve the lands within the Dishman Hills, Dishman Ridge and Tower Mountain areas. The DHC works towards this goal by collaboration with private landowners, other organizations and government entities with a similar vision. The DHC owns 800 acres of conservation lands in the Dishman Hills area, and has helped to secure 2400 acres in partnership with Spokane County’s Conservation Futures program, Washington State Dept. of Natural Resources and other partners. DHC is happy to provide more information or make presentations to your group.



    Jeff Lambert, Board President                     Eric Robison, Executive Director

    (509) 999-5100                                            (509) 202-0767            


  • 22 May 2013 12:16 AM | Anonymous
    The Development Committee of the Dishman Hills Conservancy has adopted the new name "Friends of the Dishman Hills Conservancy".
  • 22 Apr 2013 8:03 PM | Anonymous
    Our event this weekend would not have been possible without our event sponsors, partners and volunteers. We would like to take this moment to thank them.

    SPONSORS (Financial Support):
    Dishman Hills Conservancy, Positive Life Radio (104.9), Kohl's, Pacific Steel and Recycling, Gonzaga Outdoors, Spokane County Parks and Recreation, Plants of the Wild, Pizza Rita, POD...S, Home Depot and Wal-Mart.

    PARTNERS (Organizers and in-kind donations):
    Department of Natural Resources, Washington Trails Association, The Lands Council, Spokane County Conservation District, Gonzaga University, Spokane Mountaineers, Inland Northwest Trails Coalition, Zip2Water, Roast House Coffee, Embroidered Sportsware, Inland Contractors and Mountain Gear.

    The Lands Council, West Valley Outdoor Learning Center, Inland Northwest Hikers, Freeman Conservation Club, Gonzaga Soccer Club, Gonzaga Outdoors, Gonzaga Enviromental, Spokane Mountaineers and Geocachers.

    The 260+ volunteers that came out and tackled the rain to include the following known groups. Cub Scouts, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, Deaconess Lab, Whitworth University, REI and of course the Birthday Party (Thank you for sharing your day with us as well).
    To see images from the event please visit our Facebook page.


PO Box 8536
Spokane, WA 99203

(509) 598-0003

Executive Director

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